Like this morning, crazy with wind
Or just the other day, the bad roads
Even that time, and maybe it was long ago
When we all danced in circles
Take last night, what you said
Take the fire in the ring of rock
Take sun and rain, finally
Pulling frost from earth. A garden
Like falling in and out and in, again
Since the beginning and until
We are very, very old and
Maybe falling in and out, even then
The seasons, I mean, the leaves
The greening and the turning to gold
The rush of it like the sea pulling
The ice and streams of high mountains
Think of that water in the Pacific
Or the rain in Spain if you prefer
Or the little cloud that you are, driven
Like this morning, crazy with wind
~ Ralph Murre
first published in Verse Wisconsin and susequently in my book The Price of Gravity (Auk Ward Editions 2010)