Simply brimming over with holiday spirit, so I propose this modest . . .
To the hackneyed heroes and the knock-kneed novices
(you know who you are),
to the youth carded at the front door
and the elders discarded at the back:
I raise my glass.
To the crap-shooters and the bull-shitters,
the card players and the played,
to the couple in the corner who are lookin’ to get laid:
here’s to ya’.
To the lonely,
to the lonely:
here’s to ya’.
To the one who’ll mop the bar-room floor
and the one who’ll clean the toilets:
To the blue-suited barristers from the blue-eyed ‘burbs
(there, but for the grace of God . . .),
to the cheerleaders and the cheerless,
to the peerless and the powerful
and the jury of your peers:
To the ones who make the headlines,
to the ones who give them ink,
to the one who does the nursing
and the one who’ll fix the sink up:
drink up.
To the surgeons and sailors
and the ones who work high steel,
to the painters and the busboys
and the ones who beg a meal:
wind at your back.
To the one who lost a lover,
the one who lost some weight,
the one who got a boob job
so she could get a date:
here’s lookin’ atcha.
To the ones who take it easy
and the ones who never will,
to the ones who just can’t take it,
to the driver at the wheel,
to the driven, to the cattle,
the distiller at his still,
to the loser of the battle
and the miller at his mill:
may you find peace.
To the innocent:
may you find peace.
To the ones who’ll just get by,
to the bystanders and the glad-handers
and the terminally shy:
may you be blessed.
And to all the rest:
may you be blessed,
may you be blessed.
- Ralph Murre
. . . and to all a good night
And to this poet making rhyme
this poem just in time
may your spirit be light
and to you, too, a good night!
Hey Ralph,
You've captured more than moments, you've captured the season most of us don't like to think about...
Thank you, my sweet-hearted friends.
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