Saturday, April 12, 2008


the species of sputzies
(as the birds were known there)
would shit on your car,
would shit in your hair.
their music-less chirping
would go on all day,
as they'd perch in the barn
and shit in the hay.
the species of sputzies
(as english sparrows were called)
would shit in mid-air,
would shit on the bald.
we'd shoot 'em with bb's
and with slings and with arrows,
for we were young marksmen
and they were just sparrows.
the species of sputzies
(who just weren't very pretty)
were clouds over farms
and great swirls in the city.
they were good fun to shoot
and we had to learn killing,
for we'd enlist very soon
and we'd draft the unwilling.
the species of sputzies
(as we came home under flags)
still flew in great number
and we, in plain boxes,
slept underground slumber.
the hunted still fly
and the hunters still die,
and still,
the cold ground waits for summer.
- Ralph Murre


Rob Kistner said...

This was superb, very poignant.

"...the hunted still fly
and the hunters still die,
and still,
the cold ground waits for summer."

Wow, sadly so...

Image & Verse

Ralph Murre said...

Thank you, Rob -

I'm finding more and more often, that I can get to the good stuff by way of silly rhymes and word-play. I don't understand this, but it seems to work for me.

- R.